
Monday, December 10, 2012

Event: Activism in Archives Symposium

Happy holidays everyone!  PEA is excited to ring in 2013 - if we survive the impending apocalypse that is - with a film screening of the Activism in Archives Symposium held at the Georgia State University Special Collections and Archives Department.  Hosted by Assistant Archivist, Hilary Moorish and Women’s Collection Archivist, Morna Girrard, the panel presentation seeks to illuminate the current uses, future potential, and limitations of archives in aiding activist organizing.  The panel includes organizers from the American Friends Service Committee, Occupy Atlanta, and a local university professor.

The Women’s Collection and the Southern Labor Archive at Georgia State University contain material from a variety of grassroots organizations, non-profits, and labor unions.  These collections document the vibrant history of social justice movements in the South.  By providing access to these materials, archives become a valuable space for research and social justice organizing to come together.  But does the institutional constraints of an archive limit the possibilities for activists seeking to work outside of the system?  How might an archivist’s socio-political beliefs influence her/his methods of processing materials?  These are valuable questions the Activism in Archives Symposium seeks to explore.
With the Pacific Northwest being a past and present hub of progressive activity, PEA hopes that the film screening will spark much discussion and debate.  See below for event details.  Hope to see you there!

- Crystal Rodgers  

Event details:

Oregon Jewish Museum

1953 NW Kearney Street

Portland, Oregon 97209

When:  January 10th, at 6:00pm

RSVP:  REQUESTED - Please email

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