
Thursday, December 18, 2014

Portland, OR - March Unconference

Save the date l Save the date l Save the date l Save the date

Identity Crisis in the Archives:
We know who your grandpa is, but not who we are
March 27th, 2015

The Northwest ArchivistsPortland Area Archivists, and Portland Emerging Archivists bring you an unconference dedicated to having a conversation about professional identity. 

Some of the questions we will explore:
-Who are we as archivists, curators, special collections librarians, and what do those labels mean? 
How do we fit into this new landscape of citizen archivists and where anyone can “curate” something? 
-What sets us apart and how are we similar?

We are meeting in Portland the evening of Friday, March 27th and extend an invitation to archivists, curators, librarians, and students to join us.  There is an attendance cap, so we require an RSVP by March 20th. 

More information about the event will come to you during the upcoming months, but please save the date and consider sending your RSVP soon. 

For those outside of the Portland area, we are meeting on a evening which means you’ll have the opportunity to play in Portland for the weekend.  Several of your colleagues have offered “crash space;” let us know if you’re interested in a free place to stay. 

Cost:  NWA members are free;
non-NWA members $20 (waived if you join NWA for $25!)

RSVP to Diana Banning – or 503-865-4110

For questions and additional information you can contact the organizing committee:
Bryce Henry:
Max Johnson:

Wednesday, July 30, 2014

August Happy Hour

PEA is having a happy hour in August.  Another opportunity to get together and chat, find out what each other is up to and meet new students and professionals.

Wednesday, August 13th
5:00p - 7:00p or later
White Owl in Inner SE

Contact Max at johnsonxm [at] gmail [dot] com

Monday, June 16, 2014

July Happy Hour

PEA members are planning on meeting for a social gathering to discuss the future of PEA, talk about future gatherings and generally hang out, details below:

July 17th
5:00 - 7:00 (or whenever people need to go)
Location:  White Owl (bar, must be 21+)

Look for a table of Archivists  ;)

Wednesday, June 11, 2014

PEA Recruitment Drive

I just noticed that the last post was from over 1 year ago!  And that is why I am posting today: PEA seeks new members.  Over the past 2 years PEA has provided a platform for students and new professionals in archives to meet, chat and engage one another in discussion relevant to the profession.  We have had a lot of fun too, but in the midst of the fun and the inevitable getting-of-jobs it has become apparent that PEA needs more members and more students!

Here's the strategy moving forward:

-Regular monthly or quarterly meetings that provide a social anchor to archives in Portland
-Annual or twice yearly events coordinated by members
-Leveraging GoogleGroups, Facebook and other webtech to keep each other informed of opportunities and to make connections.

Sound fun?  Interesting?  Here's a little about PEA as we have been:

-Member-driven.  Even though PEA was started out of research conducted by Pete Asch (Oregon Jewish Museum) and Max Johnson (Multnomah County) it would not have gotten off of the ground without support from the steering members Jenn Keyser (Oregon Historical Society), Chris Fuller and Jenny Mundy (Multnomah County).  Furthermore without the assistance of Crystal Rodgers (City of Portland, Oregon Health & Science University, UW-Milwaukee), Katrina O'Brien (Museum of Speed) and Bryce Henry (Portland State University - Capital Projects and Construction) we would not have had such a successful second year.  This is all to say that individual members and their ideas are what drive PEA.  We are interested in getting back into a mode that fosters different members providing programming at different times based on interest and opportunity.  Not only does this grow the experience of the individual member, but provides valuable learning opportunities for the rest of the membership.

-Socially-oriented.  We frequently meet to just catch-up, see what others are up to and get suggestions for new projects and occasionally hear about new positions in the area.

-Innovative.  Our events have included a tour of a local Norwegian historical society, a group viewing of a presentation on Activism in Archives, a micro-conference designed to bring NWA sessions to Portland residents who were unable to attend the conference and lastly we did some practical volunteering as archivists for some local groups.

So, if any this sounds interesting and you would like to be notified of upcoming events, please send an email to Max Johnson (johnsonxm [at] gmail [dot] com) and I will add you to the GoogleGroup.  You can also find us on Facebook.


Thursday, March 21, 2013

Student Mixer - April 13th

The Portland Emerging Archivists is proud to announce our next event in 2013, a student mixer!  This informal gathering will serve to connect distance students in the Portland-area with other students and recently minted archivists.  Our goal is fostering communication, growth and interaction in Portland, in Oregon and in the Pacific Northwest in general, and we occasionally do tours, hold mini-conferences and host discussions on various topics in the archives world.

So if you have an hour or two and want to chat about archives and network with professionals in the area, then please stop on by!  Details below:

When:  April 13th, 2013 - 5pm
Where: MoMo's (725 SW 10th Ave, Portland, OR 97205)
***NOTE: We are going to be gathering at the back patio***
RSVP: Requested to johnsonxm [at] gmail [dot] com

We are also going to be sending out event invites through Facebook, so please go check us out on FB!

Tuesday, February 26, 2013

2013 Steering Meeting rundown

We had an excellent meeting on Sunday discussing some of the events for 2013, the timelines and some rough outlines.

We went through 2012's events and talked about what worked, what didn't and what we enjoyed.  There was a general consensus that the mini-conference in June was hugely successful and something in that vein would be interesting in 2013.  In addition, we had a lot of positive feedback about GSU Archives panel viewing and discussion.  Everyone liked the tour of the Grieg Library.

For 2013 we are looking at these events:

April  - Student mixer - Weekend (most likely a non-class weekend for ESU students).  We hadn't done one of these in 2012 and thought it would be a good idea to get folks together for a midday drink and conversation.

June - Mini-conference - We have some volunteers and speakers willing to discuss e-records, digital repositories and the structure of the Internet.

August - Tour - Location/details undecided.  We have some ideas we are floating around, but nothing concrete.

October - Archives Month - We are looking at several ideas for Archives Month, including a brochure and perhaps an events calendar highlighting the activities taking place in Portland.

Other business - We are going to host a student/new professional resource on job searching, resume writing, graduate education funding and more.  The resource was created by Josh Zimmerman of Seattle Area Archivists and an excellent one-stop for links to many relevant articles and resources for students and recent graduates.

We are looking at a Facebook Page in order to provide an easily-accessible hub for sending out blog posts and other news.  In relation to that we are also exploring creating a website.

We plan on having details for each event available on this blog at least 2 weeks beforehand, if not more.

If you are interested in supporting one of these events, or have ideas for making them happen, please let me know.

Best regards,

Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Steering meeting - Feb 24th, Noon to 2pm+

The steering event for 2013 will be at the Fuel Bistro & Coffee Bar on NE 14th and Alberta.

When:  February 24th, Noon to 2pm +
Where:  1452 NE Alberta St, Portland, OR 97211

Due to the flexible nature of PEA we are hoping to outline a basic idea for the year and determine a schedule for events.  We are hoping to have people interested in putting on events bring their ideas and discuss how we can bring them to fruition.

RSVP requested to: johnsonxm [at] gmail [dot] com
