
Thursday, May 31, 2012

Portland Emerging Archivist Event

PEA's First Event: A Local Remix of the NWA Conference

2:00 pm (program starts at 3:00) on June 24th at

The Green Dragon 
928 Southeast 9th Avenue
Cost = FREE

The Portland Emerging Archivists would like to invite all archives students and new professionals to attend our first event at the Green Dragon Brewpub.  The event will feature a number of lightening talks by students and archivists who presented at the recent Northwest Archivists Conference in Salem.  This is a great chance for anyone who was unable to attend the conference to catch up on what our region is doing.  If you did attend the conference come anyway to meet everyone while enjoying a beer or coffee. 

Speakers include:
Brian Brown, Business Systems Analyst at the City of Portland Archives and Records
Jenny Mundy, Electronic Records Management Analyst at Multnomah County Archives
Max Johnson, MLIS Student at San Jose State University 
Pete Asch, Archivist at Oregon Jewish Museum

Please RSVP or for more information contact : Pete Asch (pete.asch [at] gmail [dot] com) 

Monday, May 21, 2012

PEA - Portland Emerging Archivists

Picking a name is hard, but last night at the Lucky Lab in Southeast Portland, 5 of us got together (2 students, 3 archivists) and founded Portland Emerging Archivists (PEA). We drew up a couple guiding ideas for the group:

  • PEA will host 3-4 events each year aimed at bringing together students and "new" archivists.  
  • Each event will be free or very cheap and include both educational and social components.  
  • The locations will be picked that encourage social interactions, including community spaces, bars, coffee shops, etc..
  • We will collaborate with area groups including library/information science organizations, but our mission is to serve the archives community. 
  • Instead of trying to create a new listserv/board/etc...we decided to work through the established channels of the SAA's Student and New Archives Professional Roundtable (SNAP), Portland Area Archivists (PAA), the Northwest Archivists(NWA), and the archive programs listservs in the area.  

Our first event will be June 24th and by the middle of this week, we will be announcing the exact time and location. 

Monday, May 14, 2012

The Plan

Following our session at NWA's 2012 Conference in Salem, Max and I have taken a few weeks to figure what our next steps should be and have laid out a plan:

The Plan - v0.1

May 20, 2012 - Conduct initial meet-up with interested students and new professionals.  Use opportunity to develop core group for initial/kick-off event.  Needs agenda.

Early June 2012 -
Kick-off event mini-conference and mixer - several 5 minute mini-sessions to help bring the messages to students who could not attend.

July/August 2012 - Have group develop feedback/talking points for engaging SNAP.  Develop strategies.

SAA 2012 - Pete and Max go down to San Diego, have informal/formal meetings with SNAP,look at how groups can help each other.

August/September 2012 - Pete and Max author articles for Easy Access and Journal of Western Archives.  If local group is successful at this point, start developing general strategies for routine student/new professional engagement.

September - April 2012/2013 - Action item #1, develop quarterly programming and implement.  Action Item #2, develop model for the local group, and seek ways to implement in major cities under NWA.  Action Item #3, begin Hinterlands-engagement activities.  Develop strategies.